Section 1 - Clarity
Chapter 1 - Create or die

What if I were to say to you, "Create or die!" That's a pretty dramatic statement, isn't it? But it's not so outrageous if you take a minute to think about it.
Creative energy is the most basic energy. It's the source of all things. So, it stands to reason that it's also the source of all of your thoughts: those you recognize, those that are unrecognized, old thoughts and new thoughts.
The power source fueling all things is creative energy. It gives you life. You see it all around you. Take for example a plant. Every seed goes through stages of growth and decay. You experience similar cycles in your creative life. These changes are as basic as nature itself. Let's compare your creative expression to the four seasons and their effect on a plant.
First, there's springtime. It is the birth, the beginning part of the cycle. The seed has been planted and starts to bud. It is a fresh, active and exciting time. The same thing happens when you nourish and give birth to a creative idea. The energy seems to burst forward, moving you from the fertile soil of your subconscious into consciousness (thoughts, ideas) and then outwards onto the physical realm (expression).
Next, comes summer, the bountiful blossom or manifestation of that idea. Your creative expression becomes a way of giving to the world. It's as if you're presenting it with your own personal bouquet or project.
That phase is followed by a colorful autumn, where you observe and reflect on what you've created. Emotionally and physically, you may begin to notice the luster of your project fading.
Then the barren winter arrives. It's a dormant stage, where creativity may appear dead, but it's really only preparing to blossom again. Isn't that the way your creativity is too, either in a state of blossoming and rebirth, or dormancy and decay? Although you may be striving for consistency and balance in your life, nature itself is constantly working in cycles. So, in that context, you're either creating or dying.
Every seed planted through your creative energy stays planted. What you plant can always be nurtured so that it maintains its growth state much longer and more often.
An example would be a plant that was kept in a greenhouse. If it had the right climate, moisture and mineral rich soil year round, wouldn't it be healthier, live longer and better and blossom more fully? Human beings function much the same way. The environment you create makes a huge difference in how you produce.
Let's examine some of the elements that make up a nurturing environment for humans.
We're all aware that diet, exercise and rest are important for our health. They provide us with the necessary energy and clarity to move forward towards our goals. They also give us the longevity to develop and sustain our craft. The human body, given the right nutrients and low stress, will keep itself well, thus allowing it to produce in an optimum way.
There are also negative factors, such as self-defeating thoughts, that will weaken our system and our ability to produce effectively.
Creative people need mental focus and physical energy in order to bring their ideas into reality. We can create our own "greenhouse effect" by caring for ourselves and our bodies through nutrition, exercise, rest and positive actions.
Another way of creating the "proper environment" is becoming aware of your patterns of thinking. Think of the mind as the fertile soil for your thoughts. For the sake of convenience, I've broken those activities down into parts including conscious (awareness), subconscious (mental operation that is not yet present in consciousness) and super conscious (that which is greater than and includes the conscious and subconscious).
Being aware of your stress patterns is also important in creating positive changes in your life. Some examples of situations that can cause additional stress surfacing as a result of increased creative activity are: different social situations, meeting new people, business meetings, scheduled and unscheduled activities, or crises. There can even be positive stress created by increased good in your life.
Creativity and Success is designed to nurture and develop all parts of your thinking. It also creates an internal support system that will guide you through the changes that happen with success. Since creative energy is in every part of your mind, it can be called upon to work for you, as well as against you. It is whole, complete and perfect and helps all aspects of your mind work together in cooperation, headed for the same goal.
By examining your thought patterns and deciding what messages you want to keep and which ones you want to change, you can easily let go of what holds you back. Those dark blocks lose power in the light of day. The simple act of examining them enables you to feed the parts you wish to keep and eliminate the parts that hold you back. Once you let go of what doesn't work for you, your mind can nurture thoughts that will support you in becoming who you truly want to be. By drawing attention to what you want, your creative energy naturally flows into that area of your mind and your life. Scientists now believe that we can't destroy energy, only alter its form.
You've probably seen an explosion. It can scatter molecules, even melt metal and transform the way something looks, but the energy has only changed form, it has not been destroyed. It is the same with your creative energy. You can take whatever is holding you back and re-form it to suit your needs today.
This knowledge is the key to releasing your beliefs in anything false, fearful, or inhibiting. Remember that the cycle of life and death is a basic part of your creative life. No person, place, thing, or situation can force you to experience, or express your creative energy in a self-destructive way. Fear no longer has any power in your life once you understand this simple truth.
You can change what you represent to yourself. Instead of picturing the worst possible scenarios, you can picture the best possible scenarios.
One definition of creativity is: "Giving form to substance, bringing into being, or investing with a new form." (Holmes, 582).
A common saying that explains this phenomenon is "You can't make something from nothing." You can use your existing creative energy and circulate it in a way that benefits you, or you can allow it to dam up and destroy you. A few of the positive outcomes from unleashing your creative energy are self-healing, self-esteem and "growing up" old and outdated behaviors. Keep in mind that energy can't be destroyed, just changed in form. Only you have the power to shift the way you think and Creativity and Success is an avenue for gently shifting old outdated thoughts into new and effective ones.
One way to visualize this process is to imagine a flowing river and compare it to stagnant pond. The flowing river has a powerful current. It cleanses itself in
its constant movement. It also changes its parameters, expanding and contracting its banks as it makes its way to the ocean. On the other hand, the stagnant pond with no outlet becomes a cesspool and eventually is unfit for life. It's the same with your emotional nature. Your blocked energy needs to move and circulate in order to reach its full potential.
Creative energy is a flowing, cyclical energy. It is in every part of you already, waiting to be expressed freely in your creative works.
A client once experienced the benefits of "growing up" or restructuring a part of his thinking when dealing with the issue of creating success in his life. He noticed that in his professional life he had to make himself known, even when it meant sabotaging his hard work. In staff meetings, he found himself jumping into the middle of other people's battles, stating his opinion, though it created enemies in his workplace. While doing the Creativity and Success process, he recalled a moment in his childhood where he realized that he had an older brother and a younger sister. At that time (he was only three years old) he understood that not everybody was the same. Some were bigger, some were smaller, some were older, and some were younger. At that stage of his life, he had to make himself known in order to get attention. That was the best he could do as a three-year-old, but it didn't work very well as an adult. He was grateful to let that go. That understanding freed him to decide when he wanted to participate and when to back down. He stated, "I know when to hold them and I know when to fold them, now!"
Creativity and Success works with your individual creative drive. While some people are perfectly happy being creative as a hobby, others feel they must create, or be suffocated by life. They feel driven. Only you know which category you fall into. Regardless of the amount of creativity needed in your everyday life, the effects of this process are like dropping a pebble in still water. Subtly, deep within you, parts of your creative power will begin to move in a way that suits you best. Although you'll probably see results immediately, it may take years to fully appreciate the effects of this process in your life. Make no mistake about it; your creative energy is within you, waiting to be fully expressed. And as you reflect back on your creative past, you'll see that it has always been there, working towards your highest good.
So far the discussion about creativity has been abstract and somewhat idealistic. In Section 2 you'll be focusing on the more tangible aspects of how you take information in. You'll be looking at the senses that which you can see, hear, feel, taste, smell and touch. We all know that success in the real world calls for concrete actions, as well as great ideas. Creativity and Success is designed to strengthen creative expression in your day-to-day life, as well as in your future.
At the end of every chapter is a summary worded in the form of positive affirmations. To affirm means to make firm, or to confirm what is true. They act as reminders and can be repeated throughout the day to bring you back to your desired state of being.
1. The energy source that fuels all things is creative energy. It is unlimited. I notice its power in myself and everything around me. It is what forms all things. It is a basic part of my creative life too. I enjoy all aspects of the creative cycle, from the birth- giving, nourishing time when my creative seeds begin to bud, to the quiet dormant stages, knowing that it is preparing to blossom again.
2. I now nurture and maintain my growth state much longer and more often. Every seed planted through my creative energy stays planted and its growth can always be fed upon. It is an unlimited source of energy.
3. Knowing this frees me from all thoughts or belief in anything false or fearful. Since the cycle of life and death is a basic part of my creative life, no person, place, thing, or situation can cause me to experience or express my creative energy falsely. The false thoughts of lack and limitation no longer have any power in my life. I know and understand that creative energy cannot be destroyed, it can only give form into substance, bring into being, or invest with a new form.
4. I create the "proper environment" for my creativity by becoming aware of my mind and my thinking. By looking at the different parts of my thinking, I notice what works for me and what doesn't.
5. I now create an internal support system where all aspects of my mind are working together and are headed for the same goal. Creative energy is in every part of my mind. It is whole, complete and perfect.
6. I let go of old thoughts so that I can experience the positive benefits of healing, self-esteem and growing up outdated parts of me. My flowing creative energy is a powerful current in my life. It expands and grows as I let it express freely in my creative works.

Creativity and Success includes a Book, Workbook and 14 MP3 Audio Session Files (Downloads). They can be used separately or as a comprehensive process for creating success in your life. With this process you don't just read about change, but actually make the change on a deep subconscious level.

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